The following summarizes improvements and bug fixes made in version 6.10 of Derive 6.1 released in October 2004:

Algebra window items:

       Compatible with Microsoft Windows 98 and Windows mE, as well as Windows XP and Windows 2000.

       Communicates with the new TI-89 Titanium calculator using the Mini-A to Mini-B USB Cable.  Also, the quality of the translation between Derive and the TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-92+ and Voyage 200 CAS calculators has been improved.  

       TI-Connect version 1.5, required for interconnectivity with TI-CAS calculators, is included free with Derive 6.1.  For more information, visit the TI Connectivity Kit Product Center!JumpHtml(`') web site.

       If a picture file is specified as the background image in a plot window that is embedded in a worksheet, the picture file is also saved with the worksheet.

       As variable and functions names are entered in the Author > Variable Value2SGW02B, Author > Function Definition1ER8JVI, and Author > Variable Domain8MNT4Y command dialog boxes, partially entered names are automatically completed using the names of already existing variable or function names; thus saving typing and avoiding typographical errors.

       Resolves problems with the display of toolbars and system menus after using the Insert > OLE Object command8S6YAM.

Plot window items:

       In the Insert > Slider Bar commandEE.W9S dialog box the minimum and maximum value of the slider bar variable can be integer or fractional, and the range can be subdivided in up to 1000 intervals.  Also "pi" can be used to enter the minimum and maximum values.

       Plot window slider bars remain within the borders of their respective plot window, and they are only visible when the plot window is displayed.

       Toolbar buttons are now available to reset the range of plot windows.

       In the 2D plot window, if the scale is less than the precision used to display axes labels, no labels will be shown.

       In the 3D plot window, the "Zoom in" and "Zoom Out" toolbar buttons now apply to the z coordinate, as well as the x and y coordinates.

Mathematical items:

       Expands the coverage of the Display Step feature when simplifying trigonometric functions, definite integrals, combinatorial functions, and string processing functions.

       Improves the simplification of inverse trig functions of algebraic numbers.  For example, Derive can now simplify ATAN(SQRT(6)-SQRT(3)+SQRT(2)-2) to π/24, and show you the steps required to do it.

       As soon as a factor is found when integer factoring in Display Step mode, the partial factorization is displayed along with the method used to find the factor.  For example, try display stepping through the simplification of the expression FACTOR(2^146-1).

       Resolve internal problems that could result in memory exhaustion when factoring or expanding large expressions.

Other Revision SummariesRevision_Summary 

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