Use the Set > Cross command, click on the desired location, press Ctrl+E, or use the direction keys to move the cross in the 2D-plot window.  If the cross is moved outside the plot region and the Options > Follow Cross command4V32.T is checked, the region will be scrolled as necessary to include the cross.

The coordinates of the cross are always displayed in the current coordinate system at the left end of the 2D-plot window status bar.  Use the Set > Coordinate System command162L784 to change the coordinate system.

In rectangular coordinates, the Set > Cross command dialog box provides the following options:

       Click the Center button to set the coordinates in the Horizontal and Vertical fields to those at the center of the window.

       Click the Origin button to set the coordinates in the Horizontal and Vertical fields to that of the origin.

       In the Horizontal field, enter the desired horizontal coordinate for the cross.

       In the Vertical field, enter the desired vertical coordinate for the cross.

In polar coordinates, the Set > Cross command dialog box provides the following options:

       Click the Center button to set the coordinates in the Radius and Angle fields to those at the center of the window.

       Click the Origin button to set the coordinates in the Radius and Angle fields to that of the origin.

       In the Radius field, enter the desired radial coordinate for the cross.

       In the Angle field, enter the desired angular coordinate in radians for the cross.

To position the cross using the mouse, click at the desired location in the 2D-plot window.  You can also move the cross using the direction keys as follows:

       Up arrow moves the cross up one pixel.

       Down arrow moves the cross down one pixel.

       Left arrow move the cross left one pixel.

       Right arrow moves the cross right one pixel.

       PgUp or Ctrl+Up arrow moves the cross up half a tick mark.

       PgDn or Ctrl+Down arrow moves the cross down half a tick mark.

       Ctrl+Left arrow moves the cross left half a tick mark.

       Ctrl+Right arrow moves the cross right half a tick mark.

       Home moves the cross to the center of the plot region.

Other 2D-plot Window Set commandsTLP_GA 

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