Use the File > TI Handheld > Import from command to import the contents of a text variable on a TI CAS handheld (currently the TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-92+, or TI Voyage 200) into a Derive worksheet or dmo file.  In order to use this command, the operating system on the TI handheld must be version 2.09 or higher and the TI Connectivity Kit needs to be installed and properly configured on your computer.  This enables your computer to communicate with the TI handheld using the TI Connect(tm) software and a TI-GRAPH LINK(tm) cable.  For more information, visit the TI Connectivity Kit Product Center!JumpHtml(`') web site.

In the Text Variable (file) field of the command's dialog box, enter the name of an existing text variable in the current folder on the TI handheld to import into Derive.  To import a text variable from another folder on the TI handheld, specify its full pathname (that is, folderName\variableName).  Note that only text variable files can be imported into Derive.

After you enter a text variable, click on one of the following buttons to determine where to send the imported data:

       Worksheet (Automatic simplification) to send the imported data to the active Derive worksheet, automatically simplifying the imported mathematical expressions.

       Worksheet (No simplification) to send the imported data to the active Derive worksheet without simplifying the imported mathematical expressions.

       DMO File to send the imported data to a newly created Derive dmo file with a name of your choosing.

Text variable lines marked as commands with the C: prefix are imported as expression objects; whereas lines without that prefix are imported as text objects.  You can send the contents of the text variable to the active worksheet with or without simplification.  Alternatively, you can send the contents to a Derive dmo file.  If you send the contents to the worksheet with simplification, both the unsimplified and simplified form of expressions are displayed.

As explained in the documentation for the TI handheld, you can create a text variable by using the Text Editor application or by using [F1]Save Copy As to save the inputs in the home screen as a text variable.

(Within the value of a text variable, lines preceded by the C: prefix are command lines.  When [F4]Execute is pressed with the cursor on a command line, the line and its simplified result appear on the Home screen.  The [Mode] Split Screen TOP-BOTTOM or LEFT-RIGHT is particularly useful for stepping through such command lines.)

When importing a text variable into Derive, many but not all built-in TI handheld function names, keywords and operators in command lines are translated from any case on the handheld into their standard case counterparts in Derive.   For example, isPrime, isprime and ISPRIME on a handheld all translate into PRIME? in Derive.

Functions such as f(…) that are not built-into the TI handheld are interpreted by Derive as the product f*(…), unless their first use is preceded in the same text variable by a command line containing a definition such as

C:define f(x) = x^2


C:x^2 »f(x)

The same is true of untranslatable commands and functions such as C:format(…) or C:MedMed list1, list2, …

Beware that some functions translate into alternative counterparts depending on whether the arguments are scalar algebraic expressions, comparisons, one-dimensional vectors or matrices.  This type information can not be determined by the translator unless the argument actually contains a comparison operator such as = or begins with [ or .  For example, dim({­{­…}}) translates [DIM([[…]]), DIM([[…]] SUB 1)], whereas dim({­u,…}) translates to DIM([u,…]) even if u is a variable to which a list has been assigned.  Therefore, it is best to supply manifest comparison, list or matrix values when intended and available.

Note also that translated functions are not always exactly equivalent in behavior.  For example, Derive uses menu commands or toolbar buttons to plot expressions in 2 or 3 dimensions.  Therefore, the TI handheld Graph command is translated into a textbox containing

"Highlight and plot the following expression(s):"

followed by lines containing the comma-separated expressions in the graph command.  The user might then have to edit the expressions before plotting them. 

Before importing a text variable, it is wise to execute all command lines on the handheld unit to ensure that there are no syntax errors and that they achieve the desired effect.  Very little syntax checking is done during the translation, and none is done by Derive if the text variable is imported to a file rather than the worksheet.


When importing text lines, the only translation is between the different character sets used by Derive and the TI handheld.  All of the displayable characters listed in the Appendix of the handheld user manual have displayable Derive ASCII or Unicode counterparts, and case is preserved.

The Online Interconnectivity Dictionary!JumpHtml(`') includes a list of the TI handheld commands, functions and operators that can be imported to Derive.  If a text-variable command line contains other commands, functions or operators, then it might cause a syntax error or an unintended interpretation when imported to a Derive worksheet.  Therefore, be sure to check imported expressions against the intent of the command lines on the TI handheld.

Other Algebra Window File commandsAlgebra_Window_File_commands 

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