The Users\Integration subdirectory of Derive includes integration enhancement packages contributed free of charge by Derive users.  If you have any questions about a package, please contact the author of the package directly.

IntegrationPlus.mth   Defines functions that enhance the integration capabilities of Derive.  Use CONT_INT to obtain continuous antiderivatives, INTPARTS to integrate (repeatedly) by parts, and INTSUBST for flexible changes of variables.

MultipleIntegration.dfw   Defines functions for solving typical problems involving vector fields and multiple integration.  The functions are grouped in the following categories:

       Scalar and vector fields (gamma and beta functions, gradient, divergence, curl, and Laplacian);

       Line integrals (exact differentials, potential function, and line integral of non-exact differentials);

       Double and triple integrals (double integration in Cartesian and polar coordinates, triple integration in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, and Green-Riemanns theorem); and

       Surface integrals (surface area, unit normal vectors, flux of a vector field, and Gauss theorem).

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