The Users\EquationSolving subdirectory of Derive includes equation solving packages contributed free of charge by Derive users.  If you have any questions about a package, please contact the author of the package directly.

LinearRecurrenceEquations.dfw   Defines a function for finding the general solution of constant coefficient m-th order linear difference equations.

ODE1Simple.dfw   Defines functions for solving and verifying first order ordinary differential equations.  Differential equations can be entered using the ` back-accent operator following variables to indicate derivatives.  This results in a more natural input than that required by the functions in the utility file FirstOrderODEs.mthOA7SLO.  For example, to solve the differential equation y`-a·y = b·x+c with the initial condition y=d when x=1, enter and simplify the expression ODE1(y`-a·y = b·x+c, x=1, y=d).

SolvePlus.dfw   Extends Derive's built-in equation solving capabilities using advanced techniques.  These include the gradient descent (or steepest descent) method for finding local mimina of multi-variate functions, and a damped version of Newton's method that generally prevents it from diverging when a poor initial value is chosen.

Substitution.mth   Use substitution to solve simple systems of nonlinear equations in symbolic form. Such systems are widely used in college mathematics and especially in physics.  Dynamics for example, can not do without such systems with at least one nonlinear (quadratic) equation. 

TaylorODE.dfw   Defines the function TaylorODE(f, o, t, h, n, init_vals, header?, xy_only?) that solves initial value Ordinary Differential Equations of any order using Taylors method.

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