Use the File > Save command, click on the icon on the command toolbar, or press Ctrl+S to save the objects in the active worksheet as a file.

       If the active worksheet is associated with a dfw file, all the objects in the worksheet (i.e. mathematical expressions, plot images, text, and OLE objects) are saved in the file.   Also, all the function definitions, variable assignments, domain declarations, and state variable settings are saved as well.  When the dfw file is opened at a later time using a File > Open command7XA11Y, all the worksheet objects, definitions, assignments, declarations, and state variables existing at the time of the save will be restored.

       If the active worksheet is associated with an mth file, only the mathematical expressions in the worksheet and their corresponding annotations are saved in the file.  The expressions and annotations in the mth file can be reloaded at a later time using a File > Open command7XA11Y or a File > Load > Math File commandI8.CN8.

       If the active worksheet is not associated with a dfw or mth file (i.e. no file name is displayed on the windows title bar), the File > Save command asks you to enter the name of a dfw or mth file using the same dialog box used by the File > Save As commandKPANNO.

Expressions and the Derive state variable settings are saved as ASCII text in mth files.  These files can be examined and/or modified by any editor capable of editing standard text files.  Long expressions in mth files are written on multiple lines using a tilde (~) as the continuation character.  The objects saved in dfw files cannot be edited using standard text editors.

Other Algebra Window File commandsAlgebra_Window_File_commands 

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