Use the Options > Startup command to specify the following settings the next time Derive is launched:

       The amount of physical memory to allocate for Derive, displayed as a percentage between 5% and 95%.  20% is the factory default allocation.

       The directory in which to search for a utility file when the file must be autoloaded (see the Utility File LibraryG5BS2R).  The \Math subdirectory created when Derive is installed is the factory default autoload directory.

       The option to display file pathnames relative to the current directory, rather than displaying the full file pathname.  Displaying relative pathnames is the factory default setting.

       The option to display a prompt when Derive is launched asking whether the factory default settings should be used, rather than the settings of the previous Derive session.  Prompting at startup is the factory default setting.

Other Algebra Window Options commandsAlgebra_Window_Options_commands 

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