Use the Options commands to set various screen display and printing options.

       Display > Alignment of New ObjectsGZPDY_... 

       Display > Font of All ExpressionsHIKJU8... 

       Display > Font of New Text ObjectsJWML74... 

       Display > Background ColorGZD5VR... 

       Display > Multi-line Expression EntryLFI9AY... 

🗹        Display > Renumber Expressions1XPMADF 

       Printing > Expression LayoutN0NZZV... 

       Printing > Header and FooterE2TCFL... 

       Printing > Page Setup1LNIIYP... 

🗹        Hide > Labels10BTSGH 

🗹        Hide > TextELLDUY 

🗹        Hide > Plots.W2AV. 

🗹        Hide > OLE ObjectsWDHMRA 

       Mode Settings > Input1MJ.MVB... 

       Mode Settings > Simplification19_L5FP... 

       Mode Settings > Output3L4YH... 


Other Algebra Window CommandsAlgebra_Window_Commands 

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