If you have a question concerning Derive not answered by the printed manual or this on-line help, we recommend you start with the sources of information listed in Additional ResourcesAdditional_Resources.  For additional help, you can contact the following

Customers in the United States and Canada:

       For questions of a general nature about Derive, call Texas Instruments Customer Support at 1-800-TI-CARES (1-800-842-2737) or visit the TI support web site at education.ti.com/support!JumpHtml(`http://education.ti.com/support').  For information about other educational products and services, visit the Texas Instruments web site at education.ti.com!JumpHtml(`http://education.ti.com').

       For questions of a technical nature about Derive, call the Texas Instruments Programming Assistance Group at 1-972-917-8324 or email info@derive.com.  Customer phone support is available Monday through Thursday from 8:00am to 4:30pm Central standard time, and Friday from 9:30am to 4:30pm Central standard time.

Customers in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America:

       For questions of a general nature about Derive, visit the Soft Warehouse Europe web site at www.derive-europe.com!JumpHtml(`http://www.derive-europe.com').

       For questions of a technical nature about Derive, call Derive Tech Support at +43-732-304-258-98 (Austria), email support@derive-europe.com, or fax +43-732-304-258-99 (Austria).

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