The following are the algebra window commands:

File commandsAlgebra_Window_File_commands 





       Save AsKPANNO... 

       Load > Math FileI8.CN8... 

       Load > Data FileE4PL1X... 

       Load > Demo File11YMWXT... 

       Load > Utility File1_O7U5P... 

       Write commandsI2E73C... 

       TI Handheld > Import fromJ0QO4.... 

       TI Handheld > Export to7560_NC... 

       Page Setup2JHN3ZO... 

       Print Preview8Z7VBR 



Edit commandsAlgebra_Window_Edit_commands 


       Text or PlotEE7FDI... 


       Links to OLE Objects1MLTN88... 

       OLE ObjectTQ.2HF... 






       Select AllW8K8_T 

       Mark and CopyCNXP8G... 

Insert commandsAlgebra_Window_Insert_commands 

       Text Object1I_PZGE... 

       2D-plot Object15EH8YN... 

       3D-plot Object1M.WGX1... 

       OLE Object8S6YAM... 

Author commandsAuthor_commands 




       Variable Value2SGW02B... 

       Variable Domain8MNT4Y... 

       Function Definition1ER8JVI... 

Simplify commandsSimplify_commands 


       Display Step76D46L 




       Variable SubstitutionGP2.L1... 

       Subexpression Substitution43P6_RN... 

Solve commandsSolve_commands 



Calculus commandsCalculus_commands 




       Taylor SeriesMRJ3J4... 





Options commandsAlgebra_Window_Options_commands 

       Display > Alignment of New ObjectsGZPDY_... 

       Display > Font of All ExpressionsHIKJU8... 

       Display > Font of New Text ObjectsJWML74... 

       Display > Background ColorGZD5VR... 

       Display > Multi-line Expression EntryLFI9AY... 

🗹        Display > Renumber Expressions1XPMADF 

       Printing > Expression LayoutN0NZZV... 

       Printing > Header and FooterE2TCFL... 

       Printing > Page Setup1LNIIYP... 

🗹        Hide > Labels10BTSGH 

🗹        Hide > TextELLDUY 

🗹        Hide > Plots.W2AV. 

🗹        Hide > OLE ObjectsWDHMRA 

       Mode Settings > Input1MJ.MVB... 

       Mode Settings > Simplification19_L5FP... 

       Mode Settings > Output3L4YH... 


Window commandsWindow_commands 


       Tile Horizontally1911H2O 

       Tile VerticallyCYVMP 

       Display Tabs2L4QE0 

       New 2D-plot Window1XN1JOT 

       New 3D-plot Window162SZJB 

       Customize > Toolbars command8SF280 

       Customize > Commands commandBROSQF 

       Customize > Shortcut Keys commandIRRZBW 

Help commandsHelp_commands 


       Frequently Asked QuestionsF.L2NF 

       Additional ResourcesA_6QPJ 

       Derive on the WebSNK96F... 

       About Derive00R_CM... 

Additional algebra window topics

Entering Mathematical ExpressionsEntering_Mathematical_Expressions 

Selecting Objects and SubexpressionsSelecting_Objects_and_Subexpressions 

Ordering Variables in ExpressionsOrdering_Variables_in_Expressions 

Controlling NotationControlling_Notation 

Controlling Radix BaseControlling_Radix_Base 

Controlling Expression FormatControlling_Expression_Format 

Step-by-Step Equation SolvingStep_by_Step_Equation_Solving 

Solving Equations and Inequalities AlgebraicallySolving_Equations_and_Inequalities_Algebraically 

Solving Equations NumericallySolving_Equations_Numerically 

Solving Systems of EquationsSolving_Systems_of_Equations 

Significance of Domain DeclarationsSignificance_of_Domain_Declarations 

Using and Saving State VariablesUsing_and_Saving_State_Variables 

Derive Initialization FileDerive_Initialization_File 

Other Help Contentsidh_Contents 

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