Use the File > Load > Demo File command to simplify the expressions read from a dmo (demonstration) file. This command allows you pick a Derive dmo file using the standard Windows Open file dialog box.  By default, only files with an extension name of dmo are displayed.

After an expression is read from the dmo file, it is displayed left-justified in the algebra window.  Then the result of simplifying the expression is displayed centered in the algebra window.  Also comments about the expression in the dmo file are displayed on the status line.  Derive then waits for you to click on the (continue) icon or press the Enter or PgDn (page down) key before reading and displaying the next expression.

Alternatively, if you click on the (stop) icon or press the Esc (escape) key, the dmo file is suspended and you are free to perform any other desired Derive operations.  To resume the demonstration from the point at which it was suspended, issue another File > Load > Demo File command and select the same dmo file.

Instead, if you click on the (finish) icon or press the End key, all the remaining expressions in the dmo file are read, simplified, and displayed in the algebra window.

The following dmo files are distributed with Derive in the Math directory:

       Arithmetic.dmo        Arithmetic demonstration file

       Algegra.dmo        Algebra demonstration file

       Trigonometry.dmo        Trigonometry demonstration file

       ElementaryFunctions.dmo        Elementary functions demonstration file

       Calculus.dmo        Calculus demonstration file

       VectorMatrix.dmo        Vector and matrix demonstration file

Some of the math packages in the Users directory include dmo files (see User Contributed Math PackagesUser_Contributed_Math_Packages).

Other Algebra Window File commandsAlgebra_Window_File_commands 

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