When exiting Derive, information such as window sizes and colors, printing options, and the Math file directory is saved in the Derive6.ini file.  The settings in this file are used to initialize Derive when it starts, unless you choose to use the factory default settings as allowed by the Derive Startup dialog box (see the Options > Startup command9KBX7S).  If the initialization file does not exist when Derive starts, it automatically creates a Derive6.ini file using the factory default settings.

Note that in Derive 6, the algebra state variables are no longer saved in the initialization file.  Instead, they are saved in dfw and mth files as described in Using and Saving State VariablesUsing_and_Saving_State_Variables.

If Derive is launched by clicking on a shortcut icon on the Windows desktop, the Derive6.ini file used is the one stored in the Start in directory (also called the working directory) specified by the properties of the shortcut.  To examine and/or change the Start in directory, right click on the Derive desktop icon and select the Properties option.

If Derive is launched by clicking on a dfw worksheet file or a mth math file from Windows explorer or some other program, the Derive6.ini file used is the one stored in the same directory as the Derive6.exe application file.  Normally the application file resides in the directory named \Derive6 which is created when Derive is installed.

Derive6.ini is a standard Windows ini file that can be edited with a text editor.  However, we do not recommend editing the ini file yourself.  In any event, do not edit or delete the ini file while Derive is running, since it uses and modifies the file as it runs.

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