The settings of the algebra state variables affect how expressions are input, simplified, and output.  When Derive starts or when a new worksheet is created using the File > New command22HTHBG, the state variables are assigned their factory default settings.  When a dfw file is opened using the File > Open command7XA11Y, the state variables are assigned the values they had at the time the file was saved. 

The algebra state variable settings can be examined and/or changed using the following tabs Options > Mode Settings commands dialog box:

       Input tab1MJ.MVB

       Simplification tab19_L5FP

       Output tab3L4YH

Alternatively, if you know the state variable name and the desired value, you can use either the Author > Variable Value command2SGW02B or the Author > Expression commandFJQ5GW to generate the appropriate assignment statement.

When an algebra window worksheet is saved as a dfw file using the File > Save command28BM_XL or File > Save As commandKPANNO, the state variable settings are automatically saved in the file.  When the dfw file is subsequently opened, the settings are restored to those existing at the time the file was saved.

When an algebra window worksheet is saved as a mth file using the File > Save As commandKPANNO, check the Save State Variables box to save the state variable settings in the file.  When the mth file is subsequently opened or loaded, the settings are restored to those existing at the time the file was saved.

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