Use the Options > Printing > Expression Layout command to control the inclusion of annotations and computation times of expressions when a worksheet is printed using the File > Print commandL1I_12 or previewed using the File > Print Preview command8Z7VBR.  The dialog box for this command displays the following check boxes:

🗹        Annotation  If this box is checked, the annotation associated with an expression will be printed on the line above the expression.  An expression’s annotation is also displayed on the algebra window’s status bar.  Use the Edit > Annotation command3GCIPJ to modify an expression’s annotation.

🗹        Computation Time  If this box is checked, the computation time associated with an expression will be printed on the line above the expression if it has one.  Only those expressions generated by simplification or approximation will have a computation time.  Note that the computation time required to simplify or approximate an expression is also displayed on the status bar of the algebra window next to the clock icon.

Note that the printing of expressions is also controlled by various screen display options as well as the above options.

Other Algebra Window Options commandsAlgebra_Window_Options_commands 

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