Use the Options > Display > Multi-line Expression Entry command to toggle between having a one and four-line window for entering and editing expressions.

When editing an expression in a four-line window, you can use the arrow keys to move the cursor up, down, left, or right.  Press Alt+Enter to insert a new line in the text at the current cursor position and move the cursor down to the beginning of the new line.  A vertical scrollbar is displayed when there are more than four lines of text in the window.

With either expression entry window size, you can press Enter to enter the expression, Ctrl+Enter to enter and simplify the expression, or Shift+Enter to enter and approximate the expression.  For more about expression entry see the Author > Expression commandFJQ5GW and Entering Mathematical ExpressionsEntering_Mathematical_Expressions

Other Algebra Window Options commandsAlgebra_Window_Options_commands 

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