The following are the 2D-plot window commands:

File commandsPlot_Window_File_commands 




       Export commands6WS7NQ... 

       Page Setup2JHN3ZO... 

       Print Preview8Z7VBR 



Edit commandsPlot_Window_Edit_commands 


       Delete Plot49KM2E 

       Delete All Plots_8D3RM 

       Delete Annotation111SM_N 

       Delete All Annotations_OV285 

       Delete All Slider Bars5CPH_JR 

       Copy Plot WindowTZKOCB 

       Mark and CopyCNXP8G... 

Insert commands2CPNZFK 



       Slider BarEE.W9S... 

Set commandsTLP_GA 

       Coordinate System162L784... 

       Cross Position9IA1L7... 

       Plot Range > Length/center1LDQ_MT... 

       Plot Range > Minimum/maximum2L98HL... 

       Aspect Ratio02_MF4... 

Options commands31KXD7M 

       Display > Axes1YH6GXP... 

       Display > CrossNHGEGG... 

       Display > GridsXN1Y5P... 

       Display > Points7CKH0ZT... 

       Display > ColorJDDXSP... 

       Printing > Header and FooterE2TCFL... 

       Printing > Page Setup1LNIIYP... 

🗹        Printing > Black and White OnlyIR1L5H 

🗹        Simplify Before Plotting49ZWMQ 

🗹        Approximate Before PlottingEVZ132 

🗹        Trace Plots1FN.FSI 

🗹        Plot Real and Imaginary Parts3TKJ2T 

🗹        Follow Cross4V32.T 

       Annotate New Plots18ZRSUD 

🗹        Autoscale New Plots10DHZF7 

Window commandsWindow_commands 


       Tile Horizontally1911H2O 

       Tile VerticallyCYVMP 

       Display Tabs2L4QE0 

       New 2D-plot Window1XN1JOT 

       New 3D-plot Window162SZJB 

       Customize > Toolbars command8SF280 

       Customize > Commands commandBROSQF 

       Customize > Shortcut Keys commandIRRZBW 

Help commandsHelp_commands 


       Frequently Asked QuestionsF.L2NF 

       Additional ResourcesA_6QPJ 

       Derive on the WebSNK96F... 

       About Derive00R_CM... 

Additional 2D-plot window topics

       Multiple PlotsMultiple_Plots

       Polar PlotsPolar_Plots

       Parametric PlotsParametric_Plots 

       Data Point PlotsYI._GS 

       Implicit PlotsImplicit_Plots 

       Parametric Plot ParametersParametric_Plot_Parameters 

Other Help Contentsidh_Contents 

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